I know each and every Blackberry® user has had this or a similar scenario happen to them. You get a BBM from someone that you either don’t have the time to respond to, are ignoring, or just don’t feel like messaging back at the time, but you really want to see what the message says. The problem is, if you open that message it will notify the sender that you have, in fact, read the message by changing the ‘D’ for delivered to an ‘R’ for read on their phone. This easy little detour will allow you to read the full message without changing the status of the message on the senders end.
To view the message without them knowing, perform this trick:
Part One – Enable BBM History.
1. Open your BBM and click the Blackberry button
and select ‘Options’
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the option menu and enable ‘Save Message History’
3. Click the Blackberry button again and ‘Save’.
1. Open your BBM and click the Blackberry button
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the option menu and enable ‘Save Message History’
3. Click the Blackberry button again and ‘Save’.
Part Two – The Detour
1. Open your BBM Messenger again and highlight the person who sent you the message that you want to read, click the Blackberry button and select ‘View History’.
2. Select today’s date and read the last message sent!
1. Open your BBM Messenger again and highlight the person who sent you the message that you want to read, click the Blackberry button and select ‘View History’.
2. Select today’s date and read the last message sent!
This will not a) notify the person that sent you the message that it’s been read, and b) will not remove the notification that you have a new message so you still know you still have to respond to it.
Now for some blurry video!
*This was tested on two Blackberry Curve 8530′s running BBM 5.0.0.
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